Hell'O Collective

"We always try to find a balance between abstraction, figuration and the colors  in our compositions."

- Hell'O Collective

Hell’O is an artistic duo composed of Jerôme Meynen and Antoine Detaille. They quickly left behind graffiti letters and spray paint in favor of paper, characters, ink drawings and paint, moving on to sculpture, installations and wall drawing. They developed an unique graphic vocabulary that is complex and ambiguous, which they continue to expand in the course of their creative output, customizing many recurrent elements, which they combine each time with new characters, or incorporate into unusual settings.

Through their creative approach, characterized by its extreme conventional freedom, as well as its rigorous execution, they produce a fertile, imaginary fantasy world, sometimes grotesque yet always poetic. A kind of strange fantastic bestiary, populated with enigmatic animals and vaguely human-looking, asexual creatures, with shapes and symbols drawn from the iconography of fairy tales, fables, and other medieval allegories, ancient and contemporary mythologies, but also vanities, esotericism and surrealism. Death, hope, failure, optimism, frivolity, animalism, cruelty, constraint and the desire to control are the most frequently addressed themes in the works of Hell’O.


Hell'o solo show at Delimbo Gallery Sevilla, 2019 . Photo: Delimbo


Special Guest 3: HELL'O

 "Bringing the dreamlike world to Configurable"


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